
We call her Stinkerbell!

Here is our little Stinkerbell! She is home with Daddy... Well kind of home... They are staying with our wonderful friends in what we call home... I am already gone and I was just sitting here thinking about my little ones... This little girl just gets me every time! She is the sweetest girl and just loves you with all her person! Who doesn't love a little Stinkerbell dressed up like Tinkerbell. I seem to stop and buy everything I can that is Tinkerbell related... I am storing it away so that someday when the fad is gone I will still have things for her! Anyone want to join in my collecting!!

Then Basketball Begins...

I haven't gotten to witness a game yet, but I saw some practices! The coach has them working hard and learning how to play. None of the team has ever played basketball before... Coach... is actually Coach Daddy! My boys are both learning this season! I wish I could have seen a game, but I have been given some photos... So I pass them on to all of you!
Tye and the Coaches! Yep it takes 3 coaches to keep 10 4-6 year olds in line on the basketball court! Remember "Red Light"!
Tye and Aiden still buddies through the season!
Tye waits for his chance to show him what a super star he is!
And there he goes... Shooting for a basket... does he make it? Well being that he is all of 4 feet and he has to shoot an 8 foot basket... not so likely. But I hear he gets pretty close! His Poppy went to watch and said that it is almost cuter than soccer!
So proud of himself or his team... He is always a team player and shares in the excitement!
He goes to practice 2 nights a week... with cold hands and sniffy nose, he tries his best while his sister just sits and waits! Now that is something I can relate to!
Way to go Bulls! Hang in there and finish out the season strong!

Soccer Ends...

Tye met a new friend in soccer... His name is Aiden and they have been buddies through the season. They are the youngest and smallest on the team and they did awesome! Tye got steamrollered and Aiden took a ball in the face... They kept on playing!
Now that is ACTION! Tye loved to play... He even scored 2 goals this season... one for us and one for the other team! Oh well... a goal is a goal when you are 4!

Tye was good at kicking the ball back into the game! He didn't always know what way to go, but he knew how to kick the ball!

We loved soccer season! We will have to find something for him to play in Vegas since the rec program in Henderson doesn't start until 6 years old. We will find him something!


For Now Just a House...

Well... a house is a house... it is our job to make this one HOME! This is where we will be living... It is a drastic change from where we were. We have gone from a 3400 sq ft house to a 2200 sq ft house... and I am excited for the cozy feeling. I am even more excited that I don't have so much space to clean! Things are starting to fall in place and I am getting a little familiar with Las Vegas area... no we don;t live near the strip, but if you come and visit we will make sure we take you there! I have Boston with me so I haven't even been there to play! I miss our friends and family already, but I am really hoping to see people if they come here and we are looking forward to going home and visiting there.

I have learned a few things:

1. My Grandpa's house is a shorter trip... so we can go and visit for a change!

2. The kids will be in the boundaries for one the #1 schools in Nevada!

3. When people come to visit there is a lot to explore and do.

4. I am up for a HUGE challenge!

We will be in touch! Hope you will check back to learn about our Vegas adventure! For some that is a weekend... for us it is at least a year!


Going to Las Vegas...

Well... When opportunity knocks, it is best to answer! I have been given the opportunity to take a job with my company in Las Vegas, Nevada... We are packing up and heading out! I will be leaving in a few days with Boston and Shawn and the other 2 munchkins will head to our new location in March... We are very excited, but sad at that same time for our new adventure. We will miss our friends and family, but hope to visit often and see everyone. We aren't sure of all the details yet, but as we learn them we will pass on the information...