
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Sprague Family!
May the holiday season find you all happy and healthy and ready to celebrate in the joy...
We hope the year to come brings you good tiding and fortune...
You can be on the look out for this beauty in the mail!
Thank you to our friend Nicole for helping us capture the whole family!

Just Looking...

Look with your Eyes Boston... Boston is in complete awe of the Christmas Tree! He kneels down beside it so he can look at the lights and every once in a while, when no one is looking he points and touches with his small little finger! It is just so innocent and precious! I love to watch him explore and wonder what it all is!

Advent Calendar

I am so excited... Every day it is more and more like Christmas... Even for me! I have memories as a child of my Grandma Lairmore sending us the paper village that you opened a door for each day and got a piece of chocolate... I always looked forward to seeing fewer and fewer doors to open... even though the chocolates weren't very tasty! I knew I wanted to do one for my kids... but I had to wait until they weren't so little! I have waited and waited to do an advent calendar until the kids were "old" enough...
I finally decided this year I would get it done!
I have searched for years... and if you know me... You know I saved pictures, cut out ideas in a magazine... Found a hundred choices and then had so much to chose from I didn't know where to start! That is only a small part of my disease!
This year I decided to JUST DO IT! I found a picture from Martha Stewart that were all these cute little baby socks and they all matched so nicely and looked just perfect hanging on the sweet piece of rope she had hanging in the doorway...
Well... I am not Martha Stewart... those socks are too expensive... and I didn't like the rope!
So... I found some socks in the dollar bins at Target and found some really well priced at Ross... Then sent Shawn out on another mission for a few more pairs. We were not allowed to spend more than a dollar a pair. Then I tried not to spend more than ten dollars total for the stuff inside for all three kiddos! We did it!
we took our very first Christmas tree from before we were married and turned it into an Advent Tree! I made tags for each day of the month and glued them to a clothespin... I filled the sock with something little for each child... and clothespined the sock to a tree branch!
It has been so much fun for the kids to hunt for the number... empty the sock... and see that they are one more day closer to Christmas!
I must say... I liked this idea even better than Martha Stewart! Here is some Jo Lynne Sprague!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Buried with Christ... Rise Up to Walk a New Life!

I must say this is one of MY PROUDEST moments!
I was baptized as an infant... I was confirmed to the Methodist Church as a child... I walked in and out of Faith as it was comfortable or convenient... I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior... I was a "fan" of his when I had time to be... In the last six months or a little more I decided I needed that God whole filled in my heart. I knew how good going to church made me feel, but I wanted more than a Sunday relationship with God. I wanted to give myself to him to use and to serve. I walked into Central Christian Church in Las Vegas and nearly fell to my knees at the size... I thought I had made a big mistake in the Church I brought my family to... Oh Boy... I couldn't have been more wrong. Every week Pastor Jud talks right to me and say God opens my heart a little more. Neon Faith was a Church wide campaign that we did and it put me over the top in knowing I was making the right decision for my life. I wanted to take a step of Faith and declare to myself and to God that I am ready to walk in a journey with Him and through Him. That I am prepared with open hands to give all I am to Him. Shawn, Tye and AdeLynne were there to support and cheer as I made a step of Faith for myself and also for our family. Some members of my small group family came to witness and support me in my decision to be come a Christ Follower... not just a Fan... One of my small group family members said, "Welcome to the War"... though it sounds unfriendly... it is very true. Learning to live and make decisions that are truly Christ Following is not easy and not something people should take lightly.
... No... I am not a Bible Thumper... I don't turn away those that are not on the same journey as I am... I am by no means a pro at Christianity...
I am a Follower of God that wants to do things that are pleasing to God and His word... I want to teach my children what true Christianity is... Not just what the words in the Bible say, but what they mean... I want to be remembered for walking the walk and for practicing, not for preaching.