
Lollipop Craft Shoppe...

Well... I have broadened my horizons and attempted something outside my comfort level...
I had a blast!
I spent the weekend alone and while I was home I pulled out the sewing machine!
... Not a new sewing machine as I had been thinking about as I had no idea how expensive they were... no this sewing machine belonged to my Great Grandma...
After I figured out how to thread it and then realized I had to unthread it to make a bobbin and then thread it again...
I finally started sewing! Mind you, I am not great at cutting, writing, or sewing in a straight line!
I wanted to post something new at the Lollipop Craft Shoppe besides bows only...
So I gave a shot at pillowcase dresses for little girls that have matching flip flops and bows!
I thought I should include some pictures here for you all to see!
Well... I didn't do too bad... could of used a trick on the Armpit, but I managed without... I still have a little hemming to do since they are so big on my Stinker... but I would be glad to make them for any orders!
Happy Crafting Out There!


9 years and more...

There are days in marriage that sometimes we wonder what we were thinking... I have found a song that I swear fits it perfectly! It is called Dancing in the Minefields... I just love to listen and know that there are times you feel like you are swaying in the storms... but all in all... there are several days that it is all so clear why we said "I DO!"

Usually we alternate years... I have the odd years and Shawn has the even years... This year I was too overwhelmed and couldn't put anything together... Shawn said he would be glad to take over... Thank you for being there and picking up my pieces Bug!

Anyone who knows me... knows that I have been the farthest from tradition for most things and for most of my life! I don't have an explanation for why... but I just enjoy being more creative about things. There is one thing that I have truly enjoyed being traditional about and that is Wedding Anniversary gifts! Shawn and I have stuck to the traditional wedding gifts since paper on year 1!
This year as year 9 came around and we were to plan around pottery... Shawn definitely took the cake on the ideas! We have been able to do anything extravagant and this year was no exception!

Shawn took us to paint pottery... We painted a cup and saucer because there was no salt and pepper shakers! We had such a good time painting! I painted the cup and Shawn painted the saucer.

As soon as our masterpieces were done... we went and shared a nice dinner at The Cheesecake Factory... He knows I love the Factory chopped salad and can't afford too many calories! I took his picture there and the flash was so bright since it is a dark place... here is how that turned out!

So for 9 years we have danced through life together and had ups and downs... But here is to year 10! I can't wait to see what is planned for that!

I hope everyone has a great year too! Take care and love lots!