
13 Months Old!

Who is that cute boy?
Yeah... It is Boston!

Well... as he grows by leaps and bounds... there are so many things that I take for granted... I am so blessed with another beautiful and healthy baby. I can't help but think he is one of the cutest little guys ever! I am pretty sure that after "13" months... I will lose track until he is 2! I always look forward to when they turn 1 so that I don't have to count months anymore! We are weeding out the baby items in our home... It is strange... for the lst 5 years we have had "Baby Stuff"! It is exciting and sad all at the same time!

What does he do now you ask...
1. Eats people food
2. Loves to drink from a sippy cup
3. Walks fairly well...
4. Runs like a duck
5. Squeals
6. Plays ball
7. Uses sign language for please, thank you, milk, more, and all done
8. Jabbers while playing
9. Loves Daddy's hat collection

10. Blows kisses, waves bye bye, and plays peek-a-boo

Dress Up

Dress up... I am pretty sure that for generations children have been playing dress up. This is a loved past time by most kids! It isn't something just for girls... ALL three of my kids love to play dress up! The stories they create and the costumes that go with their creations are just priceless to me! This particular morning in the picture... they had spent watching Peter Pan for the first time really... Shawn was out of town... I was playing with them and creating a fort in the toy room to be used as "Neverland"... Ok... so maybe it is fun for all ages even! There was Captain Hook (Tye), Tinker Bell (Ade), and a member of the Lost Boys (Boston)... They played for a good two hours with sword fights, swimming, eating at the table... They had so much fun!
Captain Hook!
Tinker Bell
A Lost Boy
Then on another morning recently...
Tye asked, "Mom, can we get dressed and go play outside?"
Mom replied with enthusiasm, "Of course... go get some fresh air and burn some energy! Just make sure you get dressed, wear shoes, and put on a light coat because it is a little chilly."
So... I go to my room to get ready for the day.
Shawn says, "Jo... Did you tell the kids they could go outside like this?"
Jo replies with a little frustration, "What is the problem? I asked them to get clothes on, shoes on and to make sure they have a light coat. If they have done that, please let them out."
Shawn says, "Well I think they did what you asked, but you might want to look at this."
So... I stop everything I am doing to go see what the problem is. All to find out there is no problem and that the kids had their own interpretation of what they were to wear!
Tye... Ade...
Oh... How could you not just love them!


Creativity Please...

Just a small soapbox from "The Wife"!
I want that... I don't need it to say will you marry me... I already did that... but could someone put some creativity into my life please! Is that too much to ask... sometimes I wonder if there is ever a thought that goes through his head that says... "that would be fun to do for my wife!" I don't need the diamond earrings (Although they sound pretty) or all the fancy stuff (Although it would be nice too!) ... just a small acknowledgement that you thought about me and it wasn't something you HAD to do... but that you WANTED to do... Just a thought!


Halloween 2009

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What a great year for Trick-or-treating! We went to Seven Hills with a few friends and had a wonderful time... the streets were packed with families walking and enjoying the evening... The weather was nice and cool... Tye was a trooper to carry his tail all night as it was a little longer than he was... Ade discovered she really liked to knock on the doors and holler "Trick-or-treat!"... and Boston... well he got carried and pushed in the buggy! He was the cutest lion on the block though! We had a wonderful time... got plenty of candy... but sure missed our old fashioned Halloween tradition and family... Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween as well!

Boston's First Birthday!

What a milestone... the first time a little one is "allowed" to eat cake and icecream! He had no problem digging into his cake! We are sorry not many got to celebrate with him... but we are sure glad for those that did come to watch him eat cake! He enjoyed a wonderful day!

Boston turns 1!

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