
Conquer With Love... Fight Like a Girl!

Help me reach my goal for the Arizona Breast Cancer 3-Day!

My girlfriend sent me this song...
She said... I think this would be a great song and team name for your Breast Cancer 3 Day walking team... Which by the way if there is anyone that would like to join our team we would be glad to have you... Just email me and let me know...

Anyway, back to the story... So I listen... I think about it... I listen again... and cry! Conquer with Love, Fight Like a Girl... IT IS PERFECT! So our team is Fight Girls... and our motto is
Conquer With Love... Fight Like a Girl!
I am out this year for a Fight... I have taken a challenge to "Fight Like a Girl"... for all those that didn't survive the fight, who are still fighting the fight, and those that don't even know there is a fight or that they are fighting it... For AdeLynne and my nieces to grow up in a world with less fear of losing or fighting breast cancer. Or at least grow up with the latest and greatest in the ability to find and treat the disease. You all know someone that has been in this battle... whether they won (My Grandma Hasler) or lost or are still fighting (My Mom's Girlfriend, Kathy, 5 years cancer free! YEAH KATH!)... I would like to help in the walk to raise money for research and care and knowledge for these patients.
I have taken on the challenge to train and participate in the Breast Cancer 3 Day walk in Phoenix, November 13th-15th... 60 miles in 3 days... I will be walking to show that I would like to be part of the fight. Pick your battles they say... Well some don't get a choice... they fight because they have to...
I would love if you all as my friends and family would support me in this fight... I will have several fundraisers that myself and my team will be doing... Shirts, bake sales, garage sales, donations, you name it and we will be gathering and raising! We each have to raise $2,300.00 to participate.

How can you help me? I am glad you asked...
1. Click the link at the top of this post to DONATE
2. You can order and buy your T-Shirts... We have created two... one says Forget Whales, Save Boobs and the other says Conquer with Love... Fight Like a Girl (Our Team Name)

3. Order baked goods or come to the bake sales for some homemade goodies!
5. Order Luminaries that we will have on sale for the Halloween and Christmas Holidays...
6. Place Cupcake orders for all those parties you are going to have...

Then secondly, I am taking on this fight so that I can fight for me... I am fighting to be a healthier, happier, and more able Mommy... So that I am here for my kids when they need me most... I have chosen this event to help me commit to getting healthy and getting my body in a position to fight whatever should come my way. This fight is for me and my families future. So that I can feel good and proud of who I am and the fight I have battled my WHOLE life and LOST...


This is the beginning of my journey... I am am holding myself accountable by post every month... showing my friends and family where I am in my journey... I will not post the weight... but I will tell you how many pounds I am down and the miles I have under my belt. If you wish you can follow my journey with me... Thanks for the support from my family here at home... I will have a winning outcome!


Could He Be Any More Hadsome?

Could He Be Any More Handsome?
Some call it prejudice... I call it proud! I just don't think my son could be much cuter! Put that boy in a magazine! I am not exactly sure where to start or who to contact, but he would love to be in print somewhere! He is one of the most kind hearted little guys I have ever met... then he does something that is just totally BOY! I love him to pieces... He is a BIG brother, good friend, kind soul, loves baseball, will help with anything you ask most of the time... He loves to snuggle, loves to watch a movie cuddled in a blanket... Like to build with little Legos now, plays dress up with his sister, and pretends to be the Dad when playing house! This boy deserves a moment! A moment just for me to say... even though I tell him... "No, Tye, we don't say that", "Please remember to chew with your mouth closed Tye", "Tye I know you want to help, but please get out from under my feet..." He is a GOOD BOY! His Mommy says so!

Thanks for letting me share, boast and brag about my 4 almost 5 year old little boy!


A Perfect Night for Tye...

A Perfect Night for Tye... That is what this was... He got to sit on the couch with Dad and spit sunflower seeds while watching the Diamondbacks play ball on T.V. I don't know where his love for baseball came from really... I have a few theories, but I don't know for sure! He plays baseball... watches baseball... talks baseball... collects anything baseball... I am anxiously waiting to see if he likes to play Little League as much as he plays around here... If he does... I might have a professional ball player in my house some day... Only time will tell! Let's go snakes... win this one for Tye ESPN!

Sprague that doesn't eat...

Please Don't Feed the Animals!
I have never seen a Sprague child that doesn't like to eat... Try some rice cereal... No thank you Mommy. Try some veggies... No thank you Mommy. Try some stage 2 dinners... No thank you Mommy. Try some oatmeal... No thank you Mommy. Try some fruit... Oh Mommy... i only like the peaches and apples! So... what has mommy learned... mix all his food with either peaches or applesauce and this kid will eat!
When in doubt... remember there is always a solution!
Besides Peaches and Applesauce... Boston loves Popsicles!
Hey... Don't judge me! When your baby cries cause their teeth hurt and nothing feels good or comforts them... you will try it too! It is better than the old wives tale of giving them whiskey!

More Packages from MeeMaw!

Oh the kids get so excited for their packages at the door... they are used to packages arriving because I have the warehouse for work in the garage and there are boxes that come and go on a regular basis... But these kids know... when they see the package at the door that has stickers on it... it is a pretty good indication that it is from their Meemaw!
They were so excited to find tools for the to garden with...

Boston... 7 months

Boston Si Sprague
7 months old...
He plays cute and shy!

Part of his Daily Routine!

What does he do... Well just about the normal 7 month old stuff! Rolls over, plays with toys, has lots of baby jargon to say, has 2 and almost 4 teeth, loves his brother and sister, working on sitting without falling, taking in some food... there is a whole other blog on this Sprague eating! He just gets cuter every day... and every day I thank God that we made it through another one! We would never trade him for anything, but he has created a whole new feeling in our house!
We love you Bosi!
Shhh... Especially like this!

Old Memories... Making new ones!

This little girl looks all too familiar... Not only do I remember her about 25 years ago... but I see her nearly plain as day now in another little girl... I am absolutely amazed at how similar these little girls look! It will be interesting to watch Ade grow and see if she stays similar looking to myself! It is fun to compare the ages!

Jo Lynne Babble!

Oh my Holy Tornado! That is what I fee like I am in on most days!
I love my husband, I love my kids, and I love my work...
But I also like "MY TIME"... What is that you ask? Well most days, so do I!
Today I just happened to get things settled for the morning and decided I would sit in the office and get some things done...
Projects that have piled up with the,
"I will do that tonight when the kids go to bed..."
they never quite get done.
The tasks that need attention so I can feel like I get SOMETHING done!
I have gotten a Father's Day package ready to get in the mail. I have a box of pictures that had to get to my Uncle and Aunt for the last 5 months... Finally ready to go. I have a wedding album that I made for a friend that will now be ready for her year anniversary! That is ready and in the stack to go to the mail. Now for the blog to get updated!
What new and exciting news do I have to share...
  1. Boston is now officially 7 months old!
  2. I officially am not a fan of 4 year old boys!
  3. Little girls are sassy and precious and just make my insides warm!
  4. Ring worm is gross and causes me great paranoia!