
Fundraiser... Calling everyone!

Fundraiser #1

Working on my goal for the 3 Day Walk... $2,300.00... I am getting there, but kind of slow! I know there is still time... but I am kind of an overachiever! I want to get it done NOW!
So... With that in mind... I am offering a fundraiser where you donate money and you get a tasty treat! Yep... I am sure you have ALL heard this before! You are right... a Bake Sale (of sorts). Thank you to the years of Girl Scouts with Amy and Terry, I know how to sell cookies! But this time I thought I would go for chocolate truffles! I thought chocolate might sell itself!

If anyone has been around my home during Christmas... you know just the truffles I am talking about! They are always a hit with the crowd!

I am currently taking orders for truffles...
* Oreo
* Mint Cookie
* Red Velvet
* Cream Cheese
I will be selling them for $10.00 a dozen... I will mail them, deliver them, you name it and I will figure it out! They will come in a nice box with a label! Buy them for yourself or for someone else! They are delicious!
Please email me at
spraguefamilyof5@yahoo.com if you are interested...
Thanks for all your support,
Jo Lynne

P.S. I recommend buying some to taste and then you can purchase them as Christmas gifts! I am always trying to plan ahead! Also... one last thing... you can forward this to anyone you think would be interested... I will be glad to make thousands!


First Week...

No photo this time, as physically not much has changed... 3.4 pounds off this past week. It was my first week to weigh in... I know it doesn't seem like a huge feat to celebrate, but when all things are considered I am very excited to have 3.4 pounds off my feet! 3 bags of sugar... only 1.6 more pounds until I get a 5 pound ribbon! For those of you that have sat in a WW meeting know the excitement that a 5 pound ribbon brings!

8 Months Old!

YEAH! Everyone clap and cheer! We have ALL made to see Boston turn 8 months old! Man how the time flies... I can't believe I have this 8 month old... Shawn and I were just talking yesterday that it seems longer because we moved when he was so little... but yet it seems like yesterday that I was walking around the block trying to get him out!
What does he do you ask... Well he seems to be developing just like he is suppose to... He does an army crawl to get around so we are all hands on deck making sure he doesn't get into things he isn't suppose to. He sits, falls down, and gets right back up on his booty.
He has finally decided he likes food now! He eats his tasty stage 2 and 3 Gerber jar foods! Loves his apples and peaches the best still... He is starting to try some finger foods... green beans, cooked carrots, watermelon, cantaloupe... loves to eat the star puffs, wagon wheels, and yogurt melts... I am always glad when the baby food stage is over... I think that is by far the most expensive stage to go through with little ones.
Loves to play with Tye and AdeLynne... Knows who mommy and daddy are... Seems to enjoy playing at the church nursery. He is just growing and filling out... developing into a cute little boy!
He was so glad to have MeeMaw here to play. she even snuck in and got him out of bed to snuggle... then she went to change his diaper and comfort him some and she put him back to sleep on his changing table! Yep... she was rubbing his tummy and talking to him and he just went right back to sleep. There is something so comforting about a grandma...

She sat and played on the floor with him and just enjoyed his little personality!
He giggles and babbles... Does all the mimic noises that he can! Sometimes I think he makes noise just so he can laugh inside that we mimic him and how silly we sound making noises like a baby! We all seem to have so much fun with him.
I remember Tye and Ade being fun to play with, but I think Boston seems like more fun because there are other kids in the house to play with him. We all play on the floor and just enjoy family time together! Boston we are so glad to have you in our home and as part of our family!

Bath Time for Bo Si!

It is bath time for Bo Si... This is one of my favorite things to do with my kiddos... Shawn has never really been a fan of bath time... He says they are too slippery and it makes him nervous... For me... bath time ranks up there with putting my babies to bed! Two of my favorite things to do! I love to talk to them and play with the toys... maybe I never grew out of bath time myself! LOL! No really... I just love this time together with them. My favorite thing is once I get them out and dry... all lotioned up and smelling clean and snugly... I love to look at their little shiny noses. It is one of my all time favorite things. I love nothing more than to snuggle with a clean shiny nose baby!


Morning at the Splash Pad!

We are so excited today... Meemaw has finally arrived to visit. We took her to the local Splash Pad to see the toys! It was so fun to watch Tye and Ade show off! This has been a great morning experience! We are so lucky... our city has made it a huge priority to have parks and splash pads and recreation centers so convenient and close that we really have had a great time trying them all out... with still more to explore! Yeah for summer mornings!



Just when I thought I didn't have time to be creative and use some of the fun part of my brain...I made lunch for the kids! This a tuna salad burrito bug! I guess the picture doesn't do it much justice... but the kids thought it was pretty fun!

Safety Patrol...

We put Tye in charge of playing with Boston while Shawn and I did some laundry folding... Keep in mind that Boston is 71/2 months old... sits, but sometimes wobbles... Tye, being the BIG Brother... didn't want anything to happen while we weren't looking... so he build him a fortress to keep him up and safe! When we asked what he was doing, he made it very clear that Boston falls and he didn't want him falling back... That was the safety lesson for today! Thank you Tye!